Export of Khatlon watermelon to Russia and Europe
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Limited Liability Company "Avvalin" together with the "Food Factory" enterprise in Bokhtar exported 40 tons of watermelons from the Khatlon region to Irkutsk, Russia.
According to a company representative, another 40 tons will be exported to European countries in the coming days. With USAID support, early watermelon was grown on an area of 20 hectares in Vakhsh, Jaloliddini Balkhi, Jaihun and Kubodien districts.
- Last year, Khatlon entrepreneurs transported two trucks with Khatlon watermelon to European countries and studied their markets. After research, it turned out that the demand for this type of melon is in high demand in European markets. In this regard, it was decided to grow, harvest and export the watermelon in accordance with foreign requirements. With the help of the USAID project, Krimson Sweet watermelon seeds from the Dutch company BASS were obtained, which have high yields and are resistant to various climatic conditions and diseases. After planting, they were grown by the drop method. According to representatives of the company, before export, the harvest was stored in the warehouse of the Food Complex, where the best conditions were created.
Avvalin LLC also noted that with the support of USAID, all the necessary equipment was provided, and its specialists regularly gave useful advice before harvesting and preparing watermelons for export.
Next year, other agricultural products, including onions, will be exported from the Khatlon region to the Russian Federation and Europe.
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